I was contracted by York University’s English Language Institute (ELI) to create self-study modules that were designed to augment the second language learning of Econ 1000, microeconomics, that the ELI students were taking. I was asked to create a 16 week set of modules utilizing the course textbook for reference that students would be able to do on their own time (as they were on very different schedules across time zones) and that the ELI course instructor could use to run online classes and activities based upon the preparatory work the students had done on their own.
As part of the project I created training videos for both the students, to take the training load off the course instructor, as well as a training video for the course instructor so that they would be aware of what students were doing, how it was automated, and how this could be used in their practice.
Here are the instructor training videos which gives you a sense of what was created.
And, lastly, the feedback I got at project completion.
Hi Duff,
I’ve done random user experience checks of the other chapters as per the model we agreed on. They would all appear to work fine.; the chapter notes word docs are well done- clear and concise and a real help to new and experienced instructors alike.
I really like the activity video explanations and the Moodle section overview; these are on Youtube, so the instructor will need to walk the students through these in Week 1 as part of the class. Most students will probably use a VPN of sorts, so they will be able to go over these at their leisure after this.
I really like what you’ve done in that it follows best practice and is in line with all the core ID/Blended principles that we outlined at the beginning of our project. As Econ is by far the most popular of our credit courses, it was important that we create something great to support their aims and credit course success for the future. You have succeeded in doing that and on schedule.
Thanks for the quality and the professionalism of the work.
John Quinn, M.A. Applied Linguistics, (him, he, his) Manager, English for Academic Purposes English Language Institute School of Continuing Studies
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